Wholesaler in Toys and Prizes for the Catering Sector

De nombreuses années, DMC s'est forgé une solide réputation auprès de nombreuses friteries, snacks et autres commerces de restauration, en tant que grossiste en jouets, articles cadeaux et articles de décoration.

Grâce à nos services de vente en gros de jouets, de nombreux restaurants, friteries, brasseries, aires de jeux intérieures et extérieures proposent des jouets à leurs clients

Parce que nous proposons d'un grand espace de stockage et d'un Cash & Carry, vous pourrez choisir parmi une large gamme de véhicules, animaux, peluches, jouets, instruments de musique, jeux de plein air, etc.

Parce que vous achetez des produits avec un très bon rapport qualité-prix, en grande quantité, vous êtes sûr de pouvoir faire plaisir à tout type de clientèle.

Your toy and business gift specialist for catering and horeca

With our wide range of toys you definitely can entertain your younger visitors. Whether you want to create a play area, spoil your customers with free gifts or decorate your outdoor space, DMC has everything you need.

In order to make it easier for you to do your shopping and help you save time, you can go to our online store and we can deliver or have your purchases delivered wherever you want.

In our self-service Cash & Carry, you can select just what  items you want and how many of them you want.

On the online shop, a reasonable minimum quantity is specified for each item. So, you don’t need to buy a whole box or half a box
Our prices are transparent; set on the basis of how much is bought for each item. We source directly from the manufacturers and, of course, we make sure that there are often novelties.

An idea of the size of the items

A picture of all the most popular goods as well as of the newly arrived novelties next to our duck is put online on our website.

So, with the dimensions indicated on the web product sheet and with our duck mascot, you can have an idea of how big the selected item is.

If we have already offered you this anti-stress duck in our Cash & Carry, you can get a better idea of the proportions of the product displayed on your screen.

More about our free anti-stress duck

Products with good value for your money to highlight your brand image

With a toy wholesaler like DMC, you know you do not only have entertaining toys, but also good products.

Our toy wholesale Cash & Carry or online shop has on offer not only toys but also many other types of useful products and, above all, cheaper toys than what you can find in ordinary shops. In short, buying from DMC is as good for your wallet as it is for your relationship with your clients!

Discover now our online catalog


Rue Philippe Maystadt, 9 -
Site Fontenelle -
B-6240 Farciennes - Belgium
View on the map


Monday to Friday : open from 9AM to 5PM
Saterday & Sunday : close

Closed n January.


Phone : +32 (0) 71 47 48 51
Email : info@grossiste-jeux.be
Contact form

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